Compliance & Ethics

Legrand's business ethics programme

Legrand's compliance programme focuses on four key pillars that support the fundamental principles and provide the framework for Legrand's social responsibility. Legrand's employees and sales/supplier partners are expected to be familiar with the principles of this programme and to be vigilant and active in complying with them.


Corruption is a form of dishonesty committed by a person in a position of power, often for personal gain.

  • Avoid offering, giving, receiving or soliciting, directly or indirectly, anything of value to influence the actions of another party.
  • Accepting gifts, entertainment and other business favours can create the appearance of a conflict of interest. Report all gifts, meals, travel and entertainment received from clients or competitors with a value of more than $100 to your controller so that it can be recorded in the compliance register.
  • Extra jobs and certain activities outside work may potentially conflict with your responsibilities to Legrand. Report any potential personal conflict of interest on the reporting form available from your HR administrator.
  • To avoid misunderstandings, ensure that business meals are reasonable and proportionate to the size of the business account.
  • Document all discounts and reimbursements offered. Never make payments that could be interpreted as bribes, even if they are customary in the country where business is conducted.


An intentional act in which deception is used to obtain an unlawful or illegal advantage.

  • Avoid any act, omission or misrepresentation that knowingly misleads to gain financial or other advantage. 
  • Fraud and money laundering are strictly prohibited. 
  • Ensure that all travel expenses are approved in advance. Ensure costs are reasonable, directly related to business activities and supported by proper documentation. 
  • Never cooperate with external third parties who attempt to illegally obtain Legrand property, whether financial or intellectual.


The United Nations Security Council, the US government and the European Union impose financial and economic sanctions on certain individuals, companies and countries.

  • Vermijd het doen van zaken met entiteiten in landen die onderworpen zijn aan financiële en economische sancties. 
  • Controleer voordat je zaken doet met een klant in een nieuw land of het land op de embargo-lijst van de Legrand Group staat. 
  • Zorg ervoor dat alle klanten en leveranciers zijn gescreend via de World-Check One-database.


Elke schending van de mededingingswet (antitrust), of deze nu vrijwillig of onvrijwillig is, heeft het effect van het verstoren of verminderen van de concurrentie op een bepaalde markt en is verboden. 

  • Avoid agreements with competitors on pricing or markets. 
  • Avoid exchanging information with competitors. 
  • Avoid, where possible, exclusive distribution agreements. 
  • Avoid agreements with competitors to exclude other competitors from opportunities or to boycott suppliers or other third parties.


Employees, suppliers and customers are encouraged to report illegal or unethical behaviour through Legrand's reporting portal.


Below you can download the documents related to: ‘Compliance commitment’ and “Ethics and fraud reporting”.

The “Fair Competition Charter (PDF)” of the Legrand Group.
The "Compliance letter (PDF)" of Ecotap.

The "Charter of Fundamental principles (PDF)" of the Legrand Group.
The "BEST BUSINESS PRACTICE GUIDE" (PDF) of the Legrand Group.