Electric driving: The new norm for business premises in 2024 and beyond

In the rapidly evolving world of sustainable mobility, electric vehicles occupy an increasingly prominent place. As a result, initiatives are being taken from the government and European bodies to accelerate the transition to electric driving. One of the most recent developments concerns the mandatory installation of charging stations in new buildings and major renovation projects of commercial premises.

New construction and charging stations:

From 2024, there will be an obligation to install at least one charging station when building a new business premises with more than 10 parking spaces. But it does not stop there. To further stimulate the growth of electric driving, one in five parking spaces must be equipped with a connection for a charging station. This measure is crucial to reduce CO2 emissions and facilitate electric driving.
Moreover, the installed charging stations must meet specific requirements from the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Decree. These include the use of type 2 sockets or connectors and secure metering equipment. These standards ensure a safe and efficient charging experience for users.

Major refurbishment and renovation:

Similar obligations also apply to large-scale renovation projects. If more than 25% of the exterior of an existing building with more than 10 parking spaces is modified or enlarged, at least one charging station must be installed. This applies unless the cost of the charge point exceeds 7% of the total renovation cost. These regulations encourage companies to invest directly in sustainable mobility during renovations.

All business premises with more than 20 parking spaces:

From 2025, the regulations will be even stricter. All business premises with more than 20 parking spaces must have at least one charging station, regardless of whether the premises are new or already existed before 2025. This measure aims to increase the availability of charging infrastructure and accelerate the transition to electric transport.

Grants and Support:

Fortunately, companies are not alone in this transition. Various subsidies and support options are available to reduce the cost of installing charging stations. So it definitely pays to take advantage of these and benefit from financial incentives.
The new regulations on charging stations in new construction and renovation projects are an important step towards a more sustainable future. By investing in charging infrastructure, companies contribute to a greener society and can benefit from the advantages of electric driving. So make sure your premises comply with these European directives and make a positive impact on the world around us.